A Natural Health Doctor, Seminar Leader, Personal Empowerment Coach, Champion of the Human Spirit, Innovative, Intuitive and Inspirational Formally Trained in the Natural Healing Arts

As a Doctor of Natural (Nature’s) Medicine and a Life Transformational Trainer, Dr. Edwards teaches and counsels clients using empowering systems in which an eclectic mix of natural modalities and techniques are used.
She counsels clients on self-care with a focus on bringing harmony to the body. She emphasizes diet, nutrition, supplementation, detoxification and aids her clients in trauma and addiction recovery for optimal mental and physical health which encourages individuals’ inherent self-rejuvenation.
Dr. Edwards can coach and guide individuals to achieve their best “self” and delivers personal transformation in one-on-one office visits or in group settings. The group work is done in a weekend “boot camp” and is designed to help the individual achieve personal “excellence” and transformational change physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Her philosophy is to empower not only the physical body but the mind’s neuroplasticity for total physical and emotional recovery.
She has conducted numerous workshops teaching health enhancement techniques, relationship building, and personal empowerment throughout Michigan. Her commitment and dedication to personal transformation is evident in her 30-year career in designing and delivering her longevity philosophy.
A graduate of Quantum University Johanne holds a Doctorate in Natural Medicine and a Ph. D in Trauma and Addiction Recovery, and she holds additional degrees in Chemistry and Human Resource Management.
Her studies at Quantum University included coursework in Quantum Biology which applies not only Cellular Biology but also Quantum Physics for the complete understanding of how the body operates at both the cellular and subatomic levels. This provided her with a comprehensive knowledge of the human body at both the physical and vital levels.
“I want my life to have meaning, and for me that comes when I share my experience and educate others on how to make significant breakthroughs in their life – ultimately connecting with their own magnificence.”
Doctor of Natural Medicine Curriculum Summary from Quantum University
Curriculum – Quantum University
DNM Doctor of Natural Medicine
Biofeedback Practitioner Training IM-200 – Auriculotherapy Training IM-300 – Hypnotherapy Training IM-303 – Neuro Linguistic Programming IM-400 – Introduction to Aromatherapy IM-600 – Homeopathy Training IM-701 – New Context for Medicine IM-702 – New Quantum Biology for Medicine IM-703 – Quantum Healer IM-704 – Quantum Biology IM-705 – Quantum Doctor IM-706 – Quantum Health Care Management tIQ-200 – Quantum Hematology IQ-202 – Quantum Healing and Consciousness IQ-300 – The Five Pillars of Health IQ-301 – Quantum Hormonology IQ-400 – Quantum Taoist Medicine and Acupuncture IQ-401 – Integrative Holistic Healthcare Course IQ-500 – Quantum Homeopathy and Homotoxicology IQ-501 – New Quantum Medicine IQ-700 – Practicum Cases Historical Survey and Foundations IW-404 – Orthomolecular Nutrition IW-405 – Diet and Nutrition IW-503 – Herbology IW-603 – Nutrition IW-604 – Nutrition in Action
PhD – Trauma and Addiction Recovery
Practicum Courses IB-702 – Practicum Workshop II Dissertation CoursesID-900 – Dissertation MethodologyID-902 – Dissertation Research Project IIID-903 – PhD Dissertation Research Project Practicum 1000 Hours – Dissertation Oral Presentation and Defense.
Thesis Abstract
All human beings are comprised of an infinite well of energy. This well of energy strives for balance and coherence and is called vital energy or subtle energy. If the vital energy is disrupted, there is also a disruption to the physical body. Disorder of this balance can be caused by traumatic life experiences. These traumas bring both the vital body and the physical body out of balance, creating illness and lost potential.
Could it be possible to bring about vital body balancing in a group setting? This can be best understood by pondering quantum physics concepts and how they define the vital body. Through the comprehension of quantum mechanics theories of coherence, the observer effect, quantum leap, and quantum tunneling we can appreciate the vital body’s influence on healing and the release of locked potential.
This is the purpose of this thesis: to demonstrate the methodology of a container—in this case a group interaction versus one-on-one therapy —that does just that, a modality that heals participants’ past traumas, which in turn energizes the vital body and heals the physical body while tapping into the potential of the participants. In this container a context is constructed that influences the morphogenetic field through intention, intuition, and insight.
This approach practices experiential and accelerated learning techniques, which move the participant from the grief of the trauma to creativity. The facilitator for this quantum healing process does not focus on managing people, behavior, or information; his or her sole purpose is to manage energy.
Copies of Thesis upon request at dr.johanne.edwards@gmail.com