The Natural Doctor’s Services
Nutritional evaluation, Diet, Detoxification, Stress Reduction, Goal Mapping, Lifesytle Coaching and Longevity Training.
Nutritional Exam 60-day Protocol – Three Session $325.00 (a $50.00 savings)
- Session One: Exam and Overall Health Profile, Identification of Lifestyle Changes and recommended first steps (Takes approximately 90 minutes).
- Session Two: Review of Findings and recommendations for Supplementation, Diet, and Education on supportive topics. (Takes 45 minutes).
- Session Three: Usually Six Weeks from Initial Nutrition Exam and Follow up on your progress with additional recommended protocols. These additional protocols could be stress management techniques, a detoxification program and or a review of additional or modified supplementation.
- * See additional description below
Individual Nutritional Counseling Session: $125.00
- These individual sessions can be conducted to compliment ongoing support after the initial 60-day Nutritional Exam has been conducted. If more than one support session is required a three-session discount plan can be provided.
Individual Hypnosis Session: $125.00
- Weight Loss
- Smoking Cessation
- Addictions
TimeLine Therapy Session: $125.00
Hypnosis and Timeline Therapy Sessions Six Session Package –
$525.00 (a $225.00 savings)
Details of the Nutritional Exam

Session I - What is Included in the Nutritional Exam
You will fill out a System Survey
Patient History Form
Review of Physiology and Physical Exam
Review of Labs, Medications and Current Suplementation
The System Survey is a questionnaire that is designed to assist you in communicating your health concerns and issues and to identify things that you may not think matter but help complete the overall picture of your health. The tool will assist with identifying which body systems are in need of support. You will periodically complete this survey over the course of your work with Dr. Johanne Edwards.
History of the System Survey Tool
The development of the System Survey has been an ongoing process that has incorporated Standard Processes’ 80 year history. Since the inception of Standard Process, the making of whole food supplements was based on the belief that good health comes from good nutrition, and the best sources of vitamins and minerals are found in whole foods. Research and development of the benefits that whole food supplements have on the human body has been their corporate focus. The Standard Process team of clinical specialists and a steering committee of practitioners developed the tool that is in use today.
The System Survey is organized by body system not a diagnosis and each grouping represents the following:
- Sympathetic Dominance
- Parasympathetic Dominance
- Sugar Handling
- Cardiovascular Integrity
- Liver/Gallbladder Function
- Digestion
- Endocrine (Thyroid, Pituitary, Adrenals)
- B vitamin deficiency
- Female Support
- Male Support
The purpose of the System Survey is not to address actual symptoms but to identify “systems” which need nutritional supplementation. Even if new “diseases” are identified, the systems of the body do not change. Usually, a disease influences one or more systems within the body and this is what the System Survey is designed to identify This analysis will allow for a specific nutritional support that can be given to the underlying system. The purpose of the survey is to allow the patient to voice their perception of his/her symptoms. The symptoms listed on the survey are grouped to extract foundational problems within a system rather than focus on individual symptoms.
Results of evaluation and the reading of the system survey. - Session II
Your second session we will go over all your findings and health evaluation. This session opens a second conversation and health dialog and allows for even more investigation into the cause of your issues versus just looking at symptoms. Recommendations will be made for diet, nutritional support, and a stress reduction interview. Other tests or further steps will be reviewed.
Let’s see how your doing – Session III
In this session we will review your progress and any difficulties you might be having. We will review the goals established in session I and see how you are doing. Any modifications or additional issues can be reviewed at this time. Recommendations will be made for possible detoxification protocols, emotional work and/or any personal coaching to help with making changes in life style happen.
What to Expect at a Hypnosis Session?

Gaining an understanding of what hypnosis is, how it works and what you will experience.
Almost all ancient cultures used some form of hypnosis. The ancient Greeks and Egyptians often went to places to heal themselves called “sleep temples”. Both the new and the old testaments talk about healing people by putting them in a trance like state and their dreams would then be interpreted by the priests. Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung used hypnosis to develop modern psychiatry.
Many people have used hypnosis successfully to change behaviors and habits, become creative, lose weight, and build confidence. Some examples: Einstein did self-hypnosis daily, Winston Churchill used it to overcome exhaustion, Tiger Woods to be on top of his game and Matt Damion quite smoking. Just to name a few.
There are many myths about hypnosis. But hypnotherapy is not to be confused with stage hypnosis. When sed as a therapeutic tool hypnotherapy is a suggestive technique to impact our subconscious mind and alter its programmed beliefs. Our subconscious mind is running the show. If our conscious mind were in charge, we would all be thin, successful, and free of phobias. Our conscious mind constitutes about 5% to 13% of our choices, the rest of the time we are on auto pilot driven by the beliefs of the subconscious. Hypnotherapy creates a conversation with that part of us and reprints new actions and behaviors that will forward change with the same automation as the old negative behavior.
Hypnosis is a normal and natural state and is achieved in many of our everyday activities. For example, when you are driving your car and you come to a stop sign and you have lost track of the act of driving. Who was driving the car? Your subconscious mind took over. This trance like state can happen when you are in a focused activity like playing video games, reading a book, or watching TV. Hypnosis is like this trance state only with a guide. Therapy during a trance like state with a precise outcome in mind. During our imagining at this level our bodies do not know the difference between the real experience or the imagined one.
We will be enlisting the subconscious mind to help us remove the problem or habitual behavior.
And I want to stress that you are the one always in control. You are aware like the mother who wakes up at night when she hears her baby crying out of a deep sleep. Our hearing is always awake. I cannot program you to do anything against your values or morals.
There are four brainwave states of consciousness: Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta. Beta is your conscious state. In Alpha we go into that natural trance like state and are aware of the conversation and will remember what was said. Do not worry if you fall asleep, you still will get the benefit. In Theta you have gone deeper into a more relaxed state with imagery. Delta being the deepest dreamless state. In this state you may not remember the conversation and that is ok. And if you are aware of everything that I say, that is ok for you are still in hypnosis.
Time Line Therapy™ (TLT)

Time Line Therapy™ (TLT) is a powerful therapeutic process that has evolved from hypnosis and NLP, developed by Tad James, PhD in the 1980s.
It was developed by applying a therapeutic process to the concept that we store our memories in a linear manner in an internal memory storage system.
TLT provides one of the most powerful processes and techniques for personal change and growth by facilitating the elimination of the painful emotions attached to memories or events in the past. TLT also focuses on what we can learn from those events and use what we learn as a resource for the future. Time Line Therapy™ techniques and practical processes produce long-lasting transformation much quicker than what is currently called “brief therapy”, with a minimum of discomfort to the client. Some examples of painful emotions include anger, rage, sadness, hurt, regret, fear, guilt, and remorse.
TLT also enables you to clear limiting beliefs that can leave you stuck in the past and stops you from creating what you want in your life. Both unwanted negative emotions and limiting beliefs influence every area of our lives.
How can Time Line Therapy™ help me?
One of the many advantages of TLT is that it enables you to release and clear gestalts or (chains) of an emotion rather than one at a time as most other emotional release techniques do. For example, if you have anger issues, TLT facilitates the releasing and clearing all anger from the past and not just the anger attached to a particular event. In other words, anger is released from its roots.
I believe that this is one of the main reasons why the client can get the result he/she wants so quickly and experience lasting results. Some people get confused that the memories of painful events are cleared. It is only the negative emotions attached to the memories that are cleared in TLT. Memories are our history, and it is not ecological or appropriate to clear them.
TLT is invaluable in enabling individuals to resolve negative emotional issues from the past and clear limiting beliefs and decisions that may have prevented them from moving forward as well as achieving their goals for the future. Some examples of limiting beliefs are: “I don’t deserve it”, “I am just not good enough”. Many clients with emotional issues get the result they want in or around six hours, rather than months and years.
Where more complex conditions such as PTSD or trauma or physiological conditions are also involved, it may take a while longer. One of the main advantages of Time Line Therapy™ is that instead of talking about the problem week after week the client gets to do something about it. TLT is usually used in conjunction with clinical hypnosis and NLP and together they provide a powerful therapeutic model.
TLT should not be confused with what is called Time Line, which is also a technique based on neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and is very different from TLT.
Why is it important to release negative emotions attached to the past?
Mind-body medicine and PNI (psychoneuroimmunology) studies explain the effects of unresolved negative emotions and how they affect physical health and can lead to the development of symptoms and illness in the physical body. Also, from the point of how we perceive stress and respond to it is influenced by the unresolved emotional issues and can also influence the intensity of the stressful experience.
Many people find relaxation, meditation, and yoga useful to deal with stress and often feel better for it in the short term. Clients who practice them tell me, that the unresolved painful emotions tend to counteract the benefits in the long-term. I believe that clearing the negative emotions and limiting decisions from the past is likely to significantly enhance the practice of these techniques in maintaining mind-body health.
Time Line Therapy™ is most effective with anxiety and stress-based conditions such as exam nerves, performance anxiety, panic, phobia, trauma and PTSD as well as depression.
Time Line Therapy™ for goal setting
Time Line Therapy™ is a very effective tool for goal setting as well. And a special protocol can engage our new beliefs into a plan that can manifest into the future. Using the Time Line Therapy™ technique not only for processing the past, but, can be used for reprograming a future of your own design.